"Cynical and Jaded" is the name for a partnership between Steve Saroff and Glenn Kreisel -- two software entrepreneurs who boot-strapped and then sold two of their own software companies (FreeMail, Inc., and RemoteScan Corporation), and are now involved with several other start ups. We are interested in investing or being involved with other promising projects, however we are only interested in projects that are beyond the "idea" phase. This means that your project must currently be generating revenue, or have a significant public presence (users, followers, press, etc.). Because of the large amount of spam / scam email we recevie, we require all first contacts to be made through facebook or linked in. Please make first contact with us through Facebook by "liking" us with the button at the top of this page and then sending us a message through facebook. You can also contact us through Linkedin by connecting with "Steve Saroff," on his linked in page: http://www.linkedin.com/in/ssaroff Please limit any first contact to less than 500 words, and include the essence of your project or idea, your current personal involvement and expertise, as well as the financial potential. It would help if you could also include a link to a web site. We will acknowledge receipt of all messages sent to us through facebook or linkedin. |